

Rome Independent Film Festival 2013’s opening will take place on Thursday April 4th at 8:20 P.M. with “The Future” by Chilean director Alicia Scherson, who also signs the first co-production amongst Italy, Chile, Germany, and Spain. The movie, which has already made its name at the Sundance and Rotterdam festivals, is the first and only film inspired on Roberto Bolano’s novel “Una Novelita Lumpen”. With an international cast within which we find actress Manuela Martelli, young Italian Luigi Ciardo, Alessandro Giallocosta, and also world cinema’s star Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner, Ladyhawke, La leggenda del santo bevitore). Moreover, during the screening we’ll count with the presence of Nicolas Vaporidis (Notte prima degli esami, Come tu mi vuoi, Femmine contro maschi) and its producer, Mario Mazzarotto.
The opening night will continue, at 10:30 P.M., with the feature film “L’ultima foglia”, first feature by Leonardo Frosina.
La serata di apertura proseguirà alle 22.30 con il lungometraggio in concorso “L’ultima foglia”, opera prima di Leonardo Frosina, che racconta l’intensa storia di una giovane coppia schiacciata tra la monotonia e le difficoltà della vita quotidiana.

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